Kerry ETB
Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí


Cad é VSware? - What is VSware?

Úsáideann an scoil VSware chun taifead a choimeád ar dhul chun cinn, ar thinreamh, ar iompar, araile na ndaltaí. Tá sonraí teagmhála agus eolas tábhachtach eile ( eolas tábhachtach leighis) coimeádta ar VSware chomh maith. Clúdaíonn polasaithe cosaint sonraí VSware agus BOO Chiarraí an t-eolas seo.

Mar thuismitheoir/chaomhnóir tá teacht agat ar an eolas maidir le dul chun cinn, tinreamh agus iompar do pháiste.

Ní mór do thuismitheoir/chaomhnóir féachaint ar phróifíl a bpáiste go seachtainiúil agus a chinntiú go bhfuil an dialann sínithe go seachtainiúil chomh maith.

The school uses VSware to record student achievement, attendance, behaviour, etc. Other important information such as contact details and important medical information is also kept on VSware. All data is covered by VSware'sand Kerry ETB's data protection policies.

An extremely useful feature of VSware for parents and guardians is the ability to view these records and to be aware of you child's academic progress, behaviour notes and attendance.

Parents/Guardians are required to check their child's/children's profile(s) weekly and to then sign the child's/children's school journal confirming same.

Nasc chuig Aipeanna agus Brabhsálaí - Links to Apps and Browser

Capture Android.JPGCapture iOS.JPGCapture via Web.JPG

Tá comhairle maidir leis an aip a ioslódáil ar fáil anseo

A guide to downloading the app is available here

Conas logáil isteach ar VSware - How to login to VSware

Taifead Tinreamh ar VSware - Record of Attendance on VSware

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Próiseas Iontrála don scoilbhliain 2024-25
Cluain Mhór, Trá Lí, Co. Chiarraí V92 V82V
© 2025 Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí