Kerry ETB
Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí

School Fees

Táille na Scoile

Do dhaltaí BL1-BL3: Tá costas €60 an dalta agus uasmheid €100 ar aon clann ina bhfuil beirt nó níos mó sna ranganna sóisir don scoilbhliain 2024/25.

Do Dhaltaí BL5-BL6: Tá costas €160 an dalta agus uasmheid €270 ar aon clann ina bhfuil beirt nó níos mó sna ranganna sinsear don scoilbhliain 2024/25.

Sa chás go bhfuil dalta amháin (nó níos mó) sna ranganna sóisir agus dalta amháin sna ranganna sinsear beidh costas uasmheid €200 ar aon clann.

Cuirtear an t-airgead seo i dtreo na costais seo a leanas:

  • Scéim na Leabhar (más cuí- Feach thíos)
  • Dialann Scoile (más cuí)
  • Locair an scolaire
  • Glas do locair an scoláire
  • I dtreo na costais páipéarachas, cóipeáil, postas agus costais téacs.
  • I dtreo na costais imeachtaí seachranga.

Sa scoilbhliain 2024-2025 tabharfar na leabhair ó Sceim na Leabhair ar iasacht do dhaltaí BL1-BL3 gan costas. Beidh costas fós annn do dhaltaí sna blain ghrúpaí eile gur mhaith leo a bheith páirteach sa scéim.

Tá Scéim na Leabhair ar fáil do scoláirí uile na scoile agus glacann mórlucht na daltaí páirte sa scéim. Ní gá do thuismitheoir teagmháil a dhéanamh leis ach i gcás nach bhfuil suim agaibh a bheith páirteach i scéim na leabhair.

Tá na praghas atá ar scéim na Leabhair i bhfad níos saoire ná an costas a bheadh ann na leabnhair ar fad a cheannach. Níl na leabhair a athraíonn gach bliain (leabhar filíochta Béarla AT, an dráma Béarla, leabhar filíochta Gaeilge, araile) agus roinnt leabhar saothair, ar fáil tríd an scéim.

Muna bhfuil tú ag glacadh páirte i Scéim na Leabhair laghdófar síntús na scoile go €60 agus bheadh uasmhéid €100 ar aon clann. Déan teagmháil le h-oifig na scoile má ta aon cheist agat faoi seo.

Is féidir an táille seo a h-íoc tríd Way2Pay.

Má tá aon deacracht leis an íocaíocht déan teagmháil le húdaráis na scoile, led’ thoil.

School Fees

For students in BL1-BL3: The School Fee for the 2024/2025 Academic year is €60 per student and €100 per family in which there are two or more children in Junior Cycle.

For students in BL5-BL6: The School Fee for the 2024/2025 Academic year is €160 per student and €270 per family in which there are two or more children in Senior Cycle.

In the event that there is one (or more) students in the Junior Cycle and one student in the Senior Cycle there will be a maximum cost of €200 for any family.

The School Fee covers the following:

  • Book rental scheme (where availed of – see below)
  • School journal
  • Student locker
  • Lock for student locker
  • Contribution towards stationery, photocopying, postage and text service costs
  • Contributions to extra curricular activities

In the school year 2024-2025 students in BL1 - BL3 will receive books on loan from the school's book rental scheme free of charge. A charge still exists for students in other year groups who are availaing of the book rental scheme.

Our School has an excellent Book Rental Scheme on offer which is availed of by the majority of the student population. Indeed, a parent must notify the school if their son/daughter is not interested in the Book Rental Scheme.

The rental cost for this scheme represents a significant saving when compared to the cost of buying the books. Workbooks are not covered on the Book Rental Scheme.

Where students do not avail of the book rental Scheme the School Fee is reduced to €60 and a maximum fee of €100 per family. For further information, please contact the school office.

School Fees can be paid using the Way To Pay App.

If the payment of the above School Fee will result in financial hardship we are happy to discuss this - please contact the School Office to arrange an appointment to discuss.

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Próiseas Iontrála don scoilbhliain 2024-25
Cluain Mhór, Trá Lí, Co. Chiarraí V92 V82V
© 2025 Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí