Kerry ETB
Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí

Comhairle na dTuismitheoirí - Parents’ Council

A chara,

As a parent/Guardian of a student enrolled at Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí you are, consequently, a member of the Parents Council. Thus, you are cordially invited to attend the meetings of the Parents Council as listed on the website calendar as well as on the school academic calendar which was given to all households (copies still available from the school office if you misplaced your) Dates for Parent Council meetings are marked with a blue outline.

Dates may occasionally change due to unforeseen circumstances however all households will be reminded of each meeting a number of days beforehand by means of the school VSware or text systems.

The Parents Council had several events planned for the academic year. We plan to arrange information evenings for parents/guardians on various topics. There is no charge for talks or lectures of relevance to the School Community. If you have any suggestions, please feel at liberty to contact the PC – why not attend a PC meeting?

The Committee has been elected so you will not be enticed to take on a role of responsibility!

​We conduct our business in English - you are invited to speak in Irish should you wish.

​Please note that the Parents Council, as one of the stakeholders, plays an active role in the formulation of school policies and future plans for Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí. The Parents Council, in communion with Kerry ETB, the management and the staff of Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí, are looking forward to welcoming you to the new school building.

​It is our intention to keep this section updated so do check on a regular to keep up to date on forthcoming events and Parent Council news.

Lorraine O'Sullivan
Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí Parents Council

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Próiseas Iontrála don scoilbhliain 2024-25
Cluain Mhór, Trá Lí, Co. Chiarraí V92 V82V
© 2025 Gaelcholáiste Chiarraí